Monitor & Control EDGEucation Hub

Want to overcome the demands of digitalization – scalability, flexibility, connectivity, downtime prevention, security, latency, and bandwidth? Our Monitor & Control EDGEucation Hub can help.

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Unlock our Monitor & Control EDGEucation Hub and gain access to the assets and information that will bring your organization success.

This free Monitor & Control EDGEucation Hub is geared to inform and arm you and your team with the latest Monitor & Control trends and best practices from experts in the field. Inside you’ll find:

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Learn how Edge Computing helps integrate HMI/SCADA, MES, enterprise, and the cloud.

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Discover why context and visibility for data is the path to uniting teams and empowering operators.

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Learn how modern Edge Computing accelerates smart manufacturing initiatives for discrete manufacturers.

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Learn crucial insights about building advanced Monitor & Control architectures for digital transformation and enterprise-wide visualization.

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Learn to leverage Edge Computing for next-generation control, powering innovation for your business.

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    Case Study Compendium

Discover a series of 12 Monitor & Control success stories in our latest compendium.

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    Case Study

RoviSys eliminated downtime and data loss, converged OT/IT, and reduced FAT/SAT from weeks to days. Learn how.

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Learn how to leverage Edge Computing platforms to rapidly modernize HMI/SCADA solutions and maximize reliability.

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    Web Page

Join us as we break down what Edge Computing is and why it’s important, as well as the benefits and challenges of Edge Computing.

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Learn how to use the edge to meet digitalization needs, manage standardization and scalability, and achieve operational excellence.

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Discover how to leverage Edge Computing platforms to create better HMI/SCADA solutions.

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Discover how to use Edge Computing to solve common challenges in monitoring and control.

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    Stratus® ftServer®

Discover a fully integrated, continuously available, platform that’s easy to deploy, manage, and service from the enterprise to the edge.

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    Stratus® ztC Edge®

Deploy computing power to where you need it most: business-critical assets and processes at the edge.

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    Stratus® ztC Endurance™

Want to confidently run complex software stacks with 99.99999% availability?

Over 25,000 customers and leading partners have trusted Stratus: